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tv   FOX and Friends First  FOX News  August 22, 2012 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> good morning to you. i am ainsley earhardt. >> i amher nauert. it is wednesday august 22nd. >> the top five streers making news at this hour. low which is goodman will have to get used to a new set of rules. she was arrested for allegedly killing her husband with a coffee mug. the 70-year-old killed him and claimed he fell down the stairs.
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he is under arrest this morning for making threats to president obama. when secret service agents arrived they found him at the front door holding a shot gun. he had explosives in his apartment so then a bomb squad called in but no explosives were found. he is schedule to do appear in court later today. now a fox news exclusive the nation's top general is revealing he is disappointed navy seals are criticizing president obama's administration for milking osama bin laden's death for political gain. >> when you use the military i am not speaking about them individually or specifically. when use the uniform for partisan politics i am disappointed with that. it changes the trust we have with the american people.
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>> it's the first time a seen year pentagon official spoke out publicly about the group's ad. >> it was under ground subway blast that went really wrong. shooting 8 stories high in the middle of manhattan. subway workers put a protective cover over the wrong hole during a planned explosion. knocked people off their feet and damaged nearby businesses. >> amazingly no one hurt by this. witnesses describing the scary scene. >> doing the regular blasting for the subway loud noise after the blast. a lot of smoke coming out. >> chairman is calling the blast unacceptable now he is ordering work to stop there. you heard him where you live. >> i did. >> let's have an emerging maple
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syrup con grom rat. >> we don't know anything about maple syrup? >> i know everything about maple syrup. i love maple syrup. >> ignores unofficial have aed di traditional campaign toning it down during the other campaign's convention. those are your top 5@5:00. last minute preparations are underway outside of the tampa bay times forum. that's when thousands are expect to do protest that convention. it could be a hurricane brewing. >> peter doocy is live with more. >> republican organizers want the most memorable name at their convention to be mitt. but meteorologists now say there's a chance isaac will give mr. romney a run for his money because that's the name of the tropical depression off the
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florida coast making its way north. they don't have details for the backup plan yet. >> health and safety come first then the rnc will work on the legal prog success. how do we get our candidate nominated to be vice president and president of the united states? >> bad weather isn't the only thing on the rnc's radar. authorities in tampa found bricks and pipes on a rooftop not far from anarchist's graffiti which some say was part of the plan to cause property damage during protests once the windows got underway. >> there's a small percentage mitt will come here and cause destruction and disruption. those are the individuals that left items on the rooftop. the team at the republican national convention which starts five days from today is going to
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be we built this. we don't have indication the theme will change without any bad weather. we expect the romney campaign to tell us about the contingency plan for bad weather before folks are heading down to florida for the planned four-day convention. hope everybody's go well. thank you so much. from the convention to the campaign trail it's time for a look at who is talking. we are talking about joe biden who is capturing headlines. >> he said the gop will put americans back in chains. listen to this. >> over the objections sound like squealing pigs. over the objection of romney and all of his allies we packed some of the toughest wall street regulations in district turning wall street back into the allocate tore of capital it always has been and no longer a
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casino they want to repeal it. >> that man who is looking to unseat biden is talking this morning. paul ryan sat down with sean hannity and discussed the negative tone of the campaign. >> i am used to it. it's what we expect from president obama these days. this is what you do if you can't run on your record. president obama clearly cannot run on his record. all he's offering is more of the same, that's not good. look at the economy. it's stagnating. what they are now going to try to do is bring this campaign down to little things distractions, distortions, smear, fear, anger, frustration. this is just that. the country is not going to buy it this time. hope and change they are not doing that. they are doing attack and blame. i think people are going to see through this. they want real leadership. they want to get the country on the right track. it's on the failed leadership but it's a positive vision of how to put the country back on track. the president you can't compete
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with that. >> paul ryan reveals what his relationship with president obama is like. he spoke with sean hannity. >> ooo-hah lot of people are concerned about this. >> the forecast from the national hurricane center shows how the storm system is continuing to strengthen possibly impacting the state of florida as we head into next week. the front is going to depend on pack tors including atlantic and breakdown a little bit. we don't need to get too panicky across florida. 45 miles per hour. forecast continuing to move west ward. we could see land fall late today across the lee ward
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islands. this is something you have to keep in mind. as we head into early next week there is land fall across southern part of the state of florida early monday morning as a category 1 hurricane. isaac is forecast to strengthen here many of the tropical models are in agreement the storm system will head west wardment across the dominican republic and haiti. we will keep an eye on it. now to stories you can bank on. food prices are on the rise. americans are throwing out nearly half of their food every year. fox business network dennis meal has the latest. the study by this environmental nonprofit nonpartisan group showing we toss out 40 percent of our food. that's worth $165 billion in
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national resources defense council says average families squandering $2,275 of food each year. that's 20 pounds per person per month. largest single portion of solid waste cramming the american landfills is wasted food. it's up 50 percent since the 1970s. grocery stores throw away 15 billion a year in food. this of course is in part, though, a sign of a wealthier society. you don't need as much food to throw it out. you have flesher options. it is wasteful and i am sure there will be a lot of people upset about it. the group calling for government to do something about it rather than americans to waste food. we have the cheapest cars to own. the more expensive the vehicles the higher the cost.
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often the cost runs far higher over five years than the actual purchase price itself. that's at i used to work at forbes. there's the big shoe controversy. lebron's speakers expected to pass the $300 price point. calling on nike to not introduce the shoes because he thinks it is insulting at a time when back to school families are pressed for cash and they are having to buy back the school supply. never mind that kaunt afford it. don't buy it. why didn't nike have a mission to sell it? business network reporter. back to you. you do have the choice. that's a lot of money to pay for tennis shoes. >> thanks, dennis. it is time to brew on this. it's something every student
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thought about maybe even acted on at least once in their life. we are talking about playing hooky. >> you get to school. >> you are letting him stay home. if i was bleeding out of my eyes you would make me go to school. >> don't be upset with me. you have your health. be thankful. >> costs $75 a day. the new school superintendent in new britain, connecticut want to fine students who don't show up at class. they are plague withed high truancy. this is to help improve the performance of each student. >> that will make parents upset. we want to know if you think skipping school punishment is just fine or over the line. shoot it to us in an e-mail
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we will read them later in the show. >> so upset if it costs $75 not to go to class. >> families of 9-11 victims waiting years to face the accused master minds behind the attacks. we are going to explain why an unforeseen accident back here at home is delaying that encounter even further. >> she may never be ready to quite move on from this one. former secretary of state madeleine albright is still blaming today's economic problems on a certain person. we will tell you who that is. we will be right back.
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>> good morning everyone. quarter past the hour. aiken is mounting pressure to drop out of the missouri senate race after the controversial race -- rape comments. >> in one sentence in one day
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and all of a sudden overnight efshl decides, well, aiken can't possibly win. well, i don't agree with that. >> that is the consensus folks thinking he cannot win. mitt romney and republican senator rale committee one of the many urging akin to withdraw before the dead lievenlt>> a southwest plane was struck by lightening while it was parked at a gate at a southwest airport. no one was injured. a train derailment outside of baltimore. a bizarre twist that caused another delay for the five men charged in the 9-11 terrorist attacks. as katherine herridge reports from guantanamo bay it's another day waiting. >> the baltimore train derailment knocked out cables it meant the internet service for the office of military commissions this is the group that oversees the 9 were-11
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hearings wiped out most of the day. it gives the judges more time to prepare. they will not be in court until thursday. >> my son was the most determined human being. >> when his son michael was killed in a pentagon command center on 9-11 an admiral offered to search for his remains. all he found was this gold change and $0.13 in michael's pocket. >> i would like there to come a time when i can stop crying. >> she is packing her bags because through a defense department lottery she got inside the court in guantanamo where family members can witness the pretrial hearing. shy of her 9th birthday mike aels grandmother also wants to be there. >> the government won't let me.
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i am too old they won't be responsible for me. there is nothing wrong with me. >> both women want to give the 9-11 suspects including the self described architect of the attack mohammed a taste of them in queens. >> i want to look at the animals and say how did you dare turnout the lights on my life. >> while the delay is disappointing michael's grandmother told fox after 11 years one more day is no big deal as long as they get signed that courtroom and their story can be heard. ainsley and heather back to you. 18 after the hour. the lirnging drought caucause -- lingering drought causing hike in prices. >> the post office is now costing taxpayers. costing you millions and millions of dollars because of these unsold stamps from the tv show the simpsons.
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[ pilot ] now when you build an aircraft, you want to make sure it goes up and stays up. [ chirp ] with android apps, you get better quality control. so our test flights are less stressful. i've got a lot of paperwork, and time is everything here. that's why i upgraded to the new sprint direct connect. [ chirp ] and the fastest push-to-talk nationwide. [ male announcer ] upgrade to the new "done." [ chirp ] with access to the fastest push to talk, three times the coverage, and android productivity apps. now when you buy one motorola admiral rugged smartphone, for ninety nine ninety nine, you'll get one free. visit a sprint store, or call eight five five, eight seven eight, four biz.
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[ woman ] welcome to learning spanish in the car. you've got to be kidding me. this is good. vamanos. vamanos. vamanos. gracias. gracias. gracias. ♪ trece horas en el carro sin parar y no traes musica. mira entra y comprame unas papitas. [ male announcer ] get up to 795 miles per tank in the 2013 passat tdi clean diesel. that's the power of german engineering.
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see your local dealer for special lease and finance rates during the autobahn for all event.
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>> 22 after the top of the hour. the parents of missing utah mom susan powell bu pushing to get records released on the disappearance of her daughter. police were gref ga investigati susan's husband josh. he killed himself and the couple's two young boys in an explosion in their house back in february. the united states postal service losing $1.2 million on these unsold simpson stamps. 1 billion were printed to mark the show's 20th anniversary. only 318 million were sold. >> heather, did you buy any? >> no. i passed on that one.
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>> steak and hamburger lovers it is the worst drought in the midwest. corn prices are up nearly 63 percent since mid june hitting a record $8.49 a bush el since the month of august. the average retail value jumped in july and prices are expected to just get hire. how can we save money at the store. here with five tips is andrea ross. thank you so much. good tips here buy lean beef but that is usual employer expensive. >> 20-30 percent of that meat is compromised fat. when you cook it, it actually renders so you get less meat. if you buy the leaner product you are getting more food. you say avoid precut meat. hamburger patties. that's more expensive. >> looking at a 60 percent markup because you are paying
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for the convenience. you want to buy the larger slabs of meat. you could have it ground by the butcher he won't charge you anything also spend the time to cut it up clean it and you are looking at saving up to 60 percent. also buy the whole chickens. you can look at how to videos you can learn how to separate the thighs from the drum sticks. >> you can save 60 percent. buy in bulk that's a no brainer. >> buy in bulk from warehouse stores like cosco and sam's club and you can freeze what you don't use now for a later date. if i buy a bunch of chicken breasts i will separate them with sir ran rap so i can take one out. i buy those things that are just about going to expire. >> find out what section of your grocery store has those manager mark downs. shop weekday mornings. you will find more of those
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manager mark downs available than on the weekend if you can. consider going on-line free you can find on-line coupons for discounts at places like omaha steaks. that's top quality meats you are looking at savings by using those on-line coupons it includes steak burgers and fillets and sirloin. >> finally if you think the prices are high now i understand they are supposed to be a little lower now and got a whole lot higher. >> that's because a lot of ranchers are selling their beef now. >> come the holidays they will be more expensive. use less meat using fillers to extend the meat you have. try going meatless a little bit more. >> hamburger helper there you go. >> talk to you again. will democrats ever stop
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blaming president bush for the issues the country is now facing? you are never going to believe a response from the former secretary of state. didn't display any profanity or curse words but they forced the little guy to turn his shirt inside out. first on this day in history in 2009 the first ring of neptune was discovered. beautiful isn't it?
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>> good morning. welcome back to "fox & friends first". >> for the top 5@5:30 here are the top stories. accused colorado gunman saw three health professionals at the university of colorado before the massacre. still unclear how long james holmes met with them and the extent of his treatment. he is charged with killing 12 people wounding 58 others during the attack last month. when will democrats stop blaming george bush? >> how long are you people going to blame the previous administration. >> i say forever.
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>> albright at a rally for president obama. she made the remark at a foreign policy event in missouri. many criticize president obama for still blaming former bush for the country's problems and not accepting any blame themselves. >> the mother of a 5-year-old boy is outraged. she says her son was humiliated after the principal in the school asked him to turn his t-shirt inside out. the shirt didn't display any profanity it was for his favorite college. why was the boy in trouble? according to the dress code students at the oklahoma school district are only allowed to wear apparel from oklahoma or from oklahoma state or any other state school. that code was created back in 2005. the school might now change that code. they are making changes to actress natalie wood's death certificate 30 years after she drowned.
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her cause of death now listed as undetermined and not accidental. the document notes how she got into the water that night saying it was quote never clearly established. police say the investigation into the 1981 case is still open. check this one out. good samaritans acted helping a robber getting away. this happened at a gas station in new jersey. you can see a woman who is trying to get away from a man but witnesses thought he was trying to hurt the woman so they grabbed the guy and held them down for police while the woman was able to escape. turns out the guy was the victim. the woman stole $400 and a gold necklace from him. police don't have a suspect in this robbery case but they are looking out for that girl. that's your top 5@5:30. >> less than a week from the republican national convention they are battling it out in the spring states with new polls showing a tight race. doug luzader is live from
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washington with more. >> two new polls out this morning. one closer than the other. both say the race is a statistical dead heat. shows the race is well within margin of error with the president up one point over mitt romney 47 to 46 among registered voters. the other is nbc news poll that shows 4 points 48 to 44 that is within the margin of error. both of those polls include the addition of paul ryan to romney ticket. romney was on the attack yesterday in pennsylvania. >> the president cannot run on this roffered. that is very clear. >> all he has left is to distort and divide this country. we are not going to fall for it.
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president obama was in columbus, ohio talking to college students mitting mitt romney on education. >> economic plan makes one thing clear. he does not think investing in your future is worth it. he doesn't think that's a good investment. i do. that's what's at steak in th this -- stake in this election. that's the choice in november. >> mitt romney is preparing for the republican koconvention. they are bracing for two potential unwanted visitors there. one is tropical storm eye zach and the other vice president joe biden. he may be here for gentlemen's agreement to give each other's convention a wide birth. >> we have more with sean hannity's interview with paul
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ryan. >> this is what he said about his relationship with president obama. take a listen. >> we have known each other for some time. we have debated each other vigorously on the issues. i think it is one of mu tall respect but strong principle disagreements on discovering philosophy. he has given his philosophy here and there. like you said in row enokay virginia if you have a small business you didn't build it someone else did. that reveals a philosophy of a leader who believes we ought to have a government censored society and government driven economy. that doesn't work. look at any other country that tried that augen sdau. if failed. europe is in the middle of a debt crisis i. the problem we have is all of these become broken promises. >> he has known the vice president for a long time they get along personally and he's looking forward to the debate.
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before you leave the house you need to know the first degree weather update. >> good morning. good to see you and good morning everyone. we are tracking tropical storm isaac which was unfortunately strengthened with maximum sustained winds at 45 miles per hour. the storm system is far away from the u.s. over open water in the atlantic. it is moving to the west as we head into the afternoon the storm will continue to intensify by wednesday afternoon sustained winds at 50 miles per hour. impact toward the lee ward islands will be later on today. locally higher ams big concern here with tropical storm isaac and storm surge as well. storm continues to move west ward and intensifies saturday morning could be a category 1 hurricane as it impacts the country of haiti andinues on a north, northwesterly track.
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it is pretty far out. the center of the cone puts land fall over south florida as we head into early next week. this is something of huge concern. we the republican national convention in tampa. we could be feeling impact out there if this scenario were to play out. a lot of uncertainty. we have high mountains across parts of the dominican republic and parts of cuba that couldn't help to weaken the storm system. keeping an eye on the storm. otherwise i want to point out we have had a lot of storm systems in the past that has been retired due to the damage they call or fatalities. hopefully we won't be adding isaac to the list. irene with the storm system that rolled through parts of the northeast making fannland fall here in the city. to the east of the storm system we have another area of low pressure showing signs of organization. it has a 90 percent chance of
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becoming a prop cal cycle in the next 48-hours. if it were named it would be named george. earlier this morning 57 right now 57 in cleveland and 69 degrees in new york city. we will be warming up later on today. mid 80s in chicago. >> it is official tom cat is cap caput. a judge signing off on the divorce settlement. katie called it quits back in june. fans wanting juicy details. the court parps have been sealed and i am pounded. a a avril lavigne has a relationship with the drummer of nickel back. this will be her second marriage. hit comedy "the office" is taking the final bow. it comes to an end after the up coming 9th season. 38 minutes after the hour.
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she asked her husband to stop staying out late with friends. he called her crazy. dr. ab low is here. he will weigh in on whether it is normal or not. last chance to answer the question of the day. new britain connecticut wants to fine students 75 bucks if they don't show up for class. is it just fine or over the line? your e-mail coming up next. a quick look at jay leno from last night. >> 62. should be 63 tomorrow. endurance swimmer had to abandon her 4th attempt to swim from cuba to florida. you know why they went back to cuba? the economy is better. she just realized. the words are going this way-there's no way. oh, the lights came on. isn't technology supposed to make life easier? at chase we're pioneering innovations that make banking simple.
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it's something you're born with. and inspires the things you choose to do. you do what you do... because it matters. at hp we don't just believe in the power of technology. we believe in the power of people when technology works for you. to dream. to create. to work. if you're going to do something. make it matter.
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>> it is 42 after the hour. span the globe and see what is making head leans over the haes. a missile it comes amid reports national security advisor met with a top rabbi to get him to
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support an attack on iran's controversial nuclear program. new yo next to germany where a train derailed. a problem with a track there a track switch caused that accident. finally ecuador a volcanic eruption forced 110 people out of their homes. it is spewing lava and ash 2.5 miles into the air. ity villages are blanketed with ash. look whose talking. a group of atheists is suing over the iconic cross from 9-11. so many of us remember the cross it was recovered from the wrecka at ground zero. the two beams were found fused together up right. that's the whatay they were fou. they were going to display the cross at the museum. atheist groups said not so fast.
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laura ingram talked to the group that wants the lawsuit filed. >> this is not a denominational cross. this was found it is an artifact a part of the tower. it's not like they are pulling a cruise fix out of a local church they are not going to st. patrick's and putting up crihri on a cross. that is after t-- at the site. it became so meaningful to a lot of people. as a human being where to atheists persist on dividing people and making people feel really bad doesn't do anything but cause more social unrest and turns people against the courts that's what happened with all of these types of lawsuits. >> we have to remember there are over 1,000 victims their families who lost loved ones on
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9-11 and they are not being allowed to represent and honor their family members in this memorial. some are jewish, some are atheists some -- >> are they all signing your lawsuit? are they all party to your lawsuit or one person? >> there are several people involved. >> a thousand and you found several. >> they are the one who's approached us to file this lawsuit. >> lawyers have filed their own brief asking the lawsuit to be thrown out. i was there days after 9-11 covering this and talking to people about the cross and it gave them so much hope for the future. >> it is amazing. >> the superintendent in one connecticut town wants to fine students $75 a day tore playing co hooky. >> we wanted to know if the skipping school punishment is fine and -- >> are you kidding a fine? how about working to make school
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interesting to make students want to go. >> great idea especially since it cost the school district thousands of dollars per student to provide the education these students are cutting out on. >> fsc writes us to say it is plain wrong. it is another big government type of issue. my children are successful in school. if i want to pull them out for a day or a week it shouldn't cost me a penalty and attack. it is about 15 minutes before the hour. she was trying to do something nice. the at this officials turned up the heat. >> talking yourself in the third person? is that normal or if you are not if you do that. check in with steve dues see ooe what's coming up. >> promise not to talk about myself. fox and friends kicking off 15 minutes from now.
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we have mallory author of a brand new book making waves. she is going to make news on our program. she will be talking about shadow boss about big unions and how much they control behind the scenes. the girl is valedictorian had high school. she accidentally says hell rather than heck. they are not going to give her her diploma until she apologizes. we start in 12 minutes right ear o on the fox news channel.
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>> good morning. it is 10 minutes before the hour. quick headlines to bring you. a phoenix woman threatening to sue the city after they told her she couldn't give away water on a 112 degree day. she didn't have a permit. she was exercising her religious belief by doing something nice. if you are looking to live in a top earning town in the country you want to mo to bethesda, maryland. the median family income is 184,606 dollars. greenich connecticut is the second followed by palo alto, california and new port beach. marion, pennsylvania rounds out the top 5. >> this morning might be a little nuts. it's a question question ask ourselves from time to time. are you normal or nuts?
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dr. keith ablow is here with your e-mail. my clocks must be -- good morning. >> good morning. >> my clocks must be set on an odd number and i always provide left shoe or glove on first. my boyfriend said it's ocd i figure it doesn't cause any harm in my daily life activities, so it is okay, right? >> normal or not? >> it is not okay. it's a little nuts. nuts. if you are putting on one shoe before the other and you have to have things set on odd numbers, that is an obsession and compulsion. >> like she said it's not harming any one, right? >> she says that give me five minutes with her, 2:22 p.m. it has to be fleekting in other parts of her life where she is obsessive compulsive. >> relax a little. >> this next one is interesting. my husband stays out drinking until 3:00 a.m.
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learned he texts waitresses from the bar. i told him this is cause ago rift in our marriage and must stop. he told me i have mental problems. >> he's as normal as he gets. he is trying to prey upon any lack of self-esteem to say you are crazy. you want me to abide by the promises i made you? he's hurtful. he wants to hurt you, too, not even hide it. take his stuff out when he is texting the waitress put it on the front lawn and leave it. >> then all your neighbors know. >> i talk to myself about myself in third person like she is watching tv. i don't do it constantly and i don't do it out loud. i have been like this for a while but lately i do it more. is this normal?
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>> barely normal. ee even president richard nixon the late president he said there are things i do but nixon can't. there's an appreciation if you are not living every moment as an instant it's okay. this woman should think why is there a separation in the present? could i be more involved in my own life so i am not observing it as a second party. >> do it all of the time do it more and more often might get a little nuts. >> mile gght get a session or t out of it. >> the odd numbers putting the left and right shoe on. so many people are handicaped by these compulsions. you can over come them and free your ses to live a more balanced rest of life. >> a lot of people think if you do it this way your day will go a certain way. >> then you are not justable to choose. >> let it go.
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thank you so much dr. ablow. send your questions to frienst@. he will tell you if you are normal or cuts. 6 minutes to the top of the hour. coming up, stuck in the mud for ore 2 hours. that's one story in today's good, bad and the ugly. it's our scramble. can you figure it out doctor? stick around for the answer. captioned by, closed captioning services, inc. road trip buddy. let's put some music on.
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[ woman ] welcome to learning spanish in the car. you've got to be kidding me. this is good. vamanos. vamanos. vamanos. gracias. gracias. gracias. ♪ trece horas en el carro sin parar y no traes musica. mira entra y comprame unas papitas. [ male announcer ] get up to 795 miles per tank in the 2013 passat tdi clean diesel. that's the power of german engineering. see your local dealer for special lease and finance rates during the autobahn for all event. >> we look at the good, bad and ugly. trying to mend old wounds. a woman donates her old kidney to her mother in the life saving act brought them close
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yer they talk every day. next. the bad. third time is the charm. remember the peng won in japan. this is the third get away. he opened opover the fence. he road from a water slide to freeddom and after that he dug a whole through the fence. and ugly. i woman in illinois gets stuck up to her shoulder in mud. it took a dozen minutes to pull her out. luckily she was not hurt. it is almost the top of the hour. we'll get scrambled up to gretchen carlson. >> gretchen: just made it and got to make my brain worked either. i have no idea. >> come on.


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